Technical  Services


Conditional Road Surveys

Collection of accurate and repeatable pavement condition data and preparation of comprehensive reports detailing the survey findings, including visual documentation and data analysis.

Topographic Surveys

Conduct detailed surveys of land surfaces to create accurate topographic maps to contribute to various projects such as urban planning, construction, a n d environmental assessments.


Studies to aid sustainable practices, promote food security, and promote balance resource conservation with economic growth, shaping the future of aquatic farming.


Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) studies utilize a multidisciplinary approach, examining infrastructure, behavior, and health outcomes to guide interventions. These studies contribute to improved water quality, sanitation facilities, and hygiene practices, ultimately enhancing public health and well-being by providing evidence-based insights and strategies for sustainable improvements.

Climate Change Studies

Studies are instrumental in identifying effective strategies and measures to respond adeptly to the challenges posed by changing climate conditions. These investigations explore a range of adaptive and mitigative approaches, including policy adjustments, technological innovations, and community engagement, to enhance resilience and sustainability. Overall, they provide crucial guidance for societies navigating the complexities of an evolving climate.